Participate 4.1.3 Digital Health

My Digital Health Calendar

I have created times to check emails (green) and do other online activities (green), as well as, time to do physical activities during my planning and after school (red). Other activities on my calendar are grading (purple) and tutoring (salmon).

Screenshot 2015-09-29 00.04.28


For this quest we were to answer two questions:

1.  What is the most proactive means of ensuring the most balanced blend of technology and well being?

That would be scheduling what needs to be done. I find that when I write things down or place it on  my calendar, I am more apt to do it. I love using Google calendar because I get reminders on my computers and on my phone telling me what has been scheduled. I also place my schedule on my door, so students and colleagues know when I am available.

2. What can students and teachers do to make sure they get the most from technology while simultaneously safeguarding good health,

Students and teachers can be made aware of the health concerns/issues and the preventative measures such as posture, the angle of their arms and legs, and the placement of those devices. Additionally, having them balance their time is a major help.  Their should be times built into there schedule that is free of technology and employs physical activity of some some sort: for every 30 minutes on the computer, there should 30 minutes of physical activity. I am going to try to limit my social networking activity for 1 hour a day as I find that I spend an exorbitant amount of time on FB, Twitter, and Instagram.